Friday, 25 April 2008

Having fun on Kidspix!

This is a tank shooting bad guys.

Monday, 21 April 2008

If you were my visitor.....

If you were my visitor I would like to bring you to my house and you could play on the trampoline and other things.

My House.

This is a picture of my house.
My family live here - my Mum, Dad, brother Marcus, sister Hannah and of course me.
I share a room with my brother and sister. It's fun.
I love my family.

Emma's Goodies Shop

If you were my visitor I would like to take you on a trip to Wellington to visit the lolly shop.

Animal Park

I have created my very own animal park!

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Our School

I like my school because it has an adventure playground. I feel happy at my school.
by Pete

When I started school I liked the big yellow slide. It is fun. Some people go down on their hats. They go very fast.
by Desiah

I go to Nelson Central School. I like Central School. I feel happy at Central School. I have lots of friends. I like playing.
by Eva

Monday, 7 April 2008

Mika's Monarch Butterfly

At home I had a chrysalis. I brought it to school. It turned into a butterfly. I put it on a leaf to let the wings dry out. It was fun to watch it.
by Mika

Mika brought a butterfly. We watched it come out. After morning tea it had come out. Mika went outside. He let it go. We liked it.
by Joseph